This is my cousin Mitch! Well, he’s my cousin a few times removed. Let me see if I can get this straight… Mitch’s dad’s mom is my mom’s cousin I think. So that makes Mitch my cousin five times removed or something like that. Right? Anyway, he’s a cool kid! Mitch is a senior at Pine Creek up in Gleneagle. He’s really into skateboarding (as you can see from these pictures) and is a generally easygoing guy, just like his dad. The last time I saw Mitch he was only about 11 or 12 years old, so it was fun to catch up! We had so much fun taking these. I think we captured his spirit pretty well.
Thanks guys, I had a blast! Tamera
I believe Mitch has more shoes than I do (and that’s saying a lot). I think using selective color works well for this image.
How cool is this?!? Mitch can launch himself into a back flip off a tree! He’s the only person I’ve ever met who can pull off this stunt. Not only is my family photogenic, they’re talented too!