Category archives: Colorado Mitzvah photographers

Colorado Springs Mitzvah photography — D’s Bat Mitzvah

[ Mitzvah photographer in Colorado Springs ]

I bet you didn’t know that I do Mitzvah photography! Here’s a Bat Mitzvah I photographed recently — actually I did the rehearsal, since this particular temple doesn’t allow photography during the real thing. Afterward D and her mom met me at a nearby park for some fashion-y portraits. Very cool!

For those who’ve never atttended a Mitzvah, the celebrant spends most of it chanting in Hebrew. I like this shot a lot and never would have been able to get this close during the real event. That’s why I prefer shooting the rehearsal instead.

The Torah.

Three generations. I love portraits like this.

Miss D, vogue-ing it up in the park. She’s gorgeous!