Last Thursday I accompanied my friend Charlotte to Hudson Gardens in Littleton. Charlotte is a photographer too, and she will be shooting a wedding there in a couple of weeks — we were there so she could meet with her client. As for me, this is the first time I’ve ever been to Hudson Gardens in a non-work capacity. The only time I ever go there is to shoot a wedding, so I took advantage of the beautiful day to walk around and snap pictures of all the wonderful trees, plants and flowers that are just coming into high bloom. What a beautiful place! Whether you’re looking for a wedding venue or not, I think you should go and check it out sometime. It’s open to the public. FYI, I took all of these pictures with just a little pocket camera. You don’t need a lot of expensive equipment to take good pictures of such a pretty place!
A note to my clients and regular readers: I’ve been nominated as Colorado Springs’ Best Photographer, so if you’d like to vote for me you can do so here: http://kxrm.cityvoter.com/click-photography/biz/304710
Thanks! Tamera
Gorgeous gold and burgundy Irises. FYI the purple, globe-shaped flowers in the photo at the top of this post are allium. They don’t smell pretty (they are in the garlic family), so deer won’t eat them. I always thought they looked like Hostess Snowballs or whatever those pink marshmallow puffy things are called.

Salvia, which grows very well here in Colorado. Can you find the bee in this picture?
I’m not positive but I think this is brunnera, which appreciates shade and blooms profusely in the spring.
I was absolutely charmed to come across miniature trains at Hudson Gardens! I think I could sit there all day and watch them go back and forth.
One of the many beautiful water features.
Papaver. What ravishing blooms, and oh! The color!
Bee balm loves a nice sunny spot.

Check out these gorgeous peonies! So romantic.

Yarrow. I have the same in my xeric garden.

Mallow (or cranesbill, if you prefer).

Mallow in front, and I believe spirea in the background.