Category archives: family portraits

Red Rock Canyon family photos :: the Smiths

Red Rock Canyon family photos

I was the lucky photographer for Alex and Emily’s wedding in 2012, and exactly six years to the day later, I was the lucky photographer who got to make some new portraits of them with their three beautiful children in Red Rock Canyon. Just look at these gorgeous babies! As for Emily and Alex, I was so happy to see them again, I couldn’t stop talking, I wanted to hear all that they’ve been up to since they got married! (Besides making babies, that is.) By the way, Emily’s a family photographer too, and her work is beautiful! If you’re lucky enough to live in south central New Mexico, you can have her do YOUR family pictures. Follow Emily here on Instagram:  (@mrs.emilysmith). 

Red Rock Canyon family photos Red Rock Canyon family photos Red Rock Canyon family photos Red Rock Canyon family photos

Belmar Park family portraits

Belmar Park family portraits

Will you look at this sweet family?!? As you can see, Amy and Tyler are working on baby #3, and he or she is due to arrive later this month. We did these portraits last month in Belmar Park to document Amy’s beautiful belly, but also to capture this moment in time before they become a family of five. Watch this space for newborn portraits when their littlest decides to join us!

Belmar Park family portraits Belmar Park family portraits

Maternity portraits :: Eboni + Michael

I did Eboni’s high school senior portraits about nine years ago, and we’ve stayed in touch since then via Facebook. I was over the moon when she contacted me to do maternity portraits for her and her husband, Michael. I don’t know who’s more excited about this baby, me or them! We did a few poses at my studio, then headed to Ute Valley Park for the rest. Look how adorable they are! They’re going to have such a beautiful baby!

Colorado Springs maternity photography Colorado Springs maternity photography

Engagement portraits at Mueller State Park :: Samantha + Joe

Mueller State Park engagement portraits

These Mueller State Park engagement portraits were a special treat for me to do. Samantha is a long time client and I’m very fond of her. I’ve been photographing her since she was a teenager! Over the years I’ve documented quite a few milestones in Samantha’s and her family’s lives, but I’m extra excited about this one: she’s engaged to a great guy! Their wedding is scheduled for next summer and I can’t wait! In October I spent a glorious, golden afternoon with Joe, Samantha and her daughter Izzy at beautiful Mueller State Park, taking their engagement portraits and a few family portraits to boot.

As far as big vistas go, it doesn’t get much more breathtaking than Mueller State Park. It’s one of my favorite places to visit, especially in October. I love this time of year and I love how these special portraits came out. I can’t wait for Samantha and Joe’s wedding at Mount Princeton Hot Springs. It’s going to be amazing!

Mueller State Park engagement portraits

Mueller State Park engagement portraits

Mueller State Park engagement portraits

What a sweet little family they make!

Nicy’s 40th birthday portraits

I got really behind in sharing photos over the summer and fall, and some great shots got neglected. Case in point: Nicy’s 40th birthday photo shoot, which definitely deserves to be seen! Sooooo, better late than never, please enjoy these fun portraits  Nicy is a wonderfully evolved and positive human and I was so glad to capture some of her joie de vivre in pictures. Instead of lamenting turning 40, she celebrated it and I love that! It was truly a pleasure photographing this gorgeous, uplifting woman!