Last month Pat and I made a short trip to Texas to attend the Digital Wedding Forum Convention and the Imaging USA trade show in San Antonio. Afterward, we snuck away to Austin for a whirlwind visit to see my cousins and aunt. It was so nice getting to hang out with them! I did a few impromptu portraits. Here are my favorites. Enjoy!
My cousin Omar and his beautiful family.
Rhea, who’s already started college.
Sierra, aged 10. She’s such a little spark :o)
Shane. I can’t believe how big he’s getting!
Katara. She stole Pat’s heart! What a cutie!
Bruce, who was two months premature, and now look at him! He’s a big boy now!
This little one is special: my god daughter, Hope.
Sheila and her husband, David.
My aunt (and godmother), Linda. I wish I could see her more often!
Pat being attacked by wild dogs!
How did we get them to sit at attention so perfectly? Bacon!
Me and my little cutie pie!