My other passion

You know I love my job. I take such great joy in documenting happy events and capturing singular moments in my clients’ lives, and I’m lucky to be paid for that. But I don’t just photograph brides, bellies and babies. I found this quote today by the late Bill Brandt: “It is part of the photographer’s job to see more intensely than most people do. He must have and keep in him something of the receptiveness of the child who looks at the world for the first time or the traveler who enters a strange country.” How very true! I too suffer from the curse of the photographer — everywhere around me I see great photographs waiting to be captured. So occasionally I actually take pictures of just… stuff. Not brides, not high school seniors, not cute babies, but the world around me. I do actually have an art degree believe it or not, and every now and then I have to prove to my mother that my college education wasn’t totally in vain!
If you happen to be on the north end of Colorado Springs, drop into the Barnes & Noble/Starbucks on Briargate and Academy. I’ve got nine prints on display there through July 31st. I’ll post them here, but honestly they’re much better looking in person. So go and check them out! And FYI, archivally printed, matted and signed versions of these (and other) images are available for purchase in two sizes. Contact me for more info on that.
Thanks for looking — enjoy! Tamera
[The photo at the top of this post was taken at sunset in San Clemente, California, March 2008]
Nelson’s Column as seen from the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square, London, 2006
First glimpse of the Eiffel Tower by day, Paris, France, 2006
Between Colorado Springs and Pueblo at twilight, 2007
Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2008
Ranch outbuilding at sunset, between Colorado Springs and Pueblo, 2007
Row of scooters and motorbikes in the Westminster district of London, 2006