I did these gorgeous, classic intimate portraits of K at my boudoir studio in Colorado Springs a couple of weeks ago. She did this photo shoot as a surprise birthday gift for her boyfriend, E. (Shhhh! Don’t spill!) I think K is such a stunner! When she first showed up for her portraits, like so many of my clients she was a little hesitant at the outset, but once we picked out the right outfits and started shooting, she relaxed and really got into it. As you can see, K is fabulous, fierce and photogenic! I love bringing out the hidden sexy vixen in my clients, it’s so much fun!
At the reveal a few days later, when K saw her how magnificent she looked in her photos, she was so happy! It was really an emotional moment for her. She told me that she never thought of herself as beautiful, but these pictures made her realize what we can all plainly see: she is truly dazzling. Her boyfriend is going to be so stoked when he gets his birthday present! Rawr!