Category archives: portraits

A few personal photos

Last month Pat and I made a short trip to Texas to attend the Digital Wedding Forum Convention and the Imaging USA trade show in San Antonio. Afterward, we snuck away to Austin for a whirlwind visit to see my cousins and aunt. It was so nice getting to hang out with them! I did a few impromptu portraits. Here are my favorites. Enjoy!

My cousin Sheila and her beautiful family.

My cousin Omar and his beautiful family.

All the kids. Love them!

Rhea, who’s already started college.

Sierra, aged 10. She’s such a little spark :o)

Shane. I can’t believe how big he’s getting!

Lily, who’s smart as a whip.

Katara. She stole Pat’s heart! What a cutie!

Bruce, who was two months premature, and now look at him! He’s a big boy now!

This little one is special: my god daughter, Hope.

Omar and his wife, Andrea.

Sheila and her husband, David.

My aunt (and godmother), Linda. I wish I could see her more often!

Pat being attacked by wild dogs!

This is Momo.

This is Zoe.

How did we get them to sit at attention so perfectly? Bacon!

Me and my little cutie pie!

Colorado Springs portraits: Kara

[ Colorado Springs photography studio ]

This is Kara, who misses her hubby in Afghanistan. And he misses her. So Kara came in for a Luxe Photo Shoot to create some fabulous images for him. And boy, did we create some fabulous images! If you’re thinking about giving glamorous photos to your significant other (or yourself) as a gift, but you’re too shy to go the boudoir route, a Luxe Photo Shoot is for you! It’s the next best thing to being in Vogue — fun, empowering, and best of all you’ll end up with the best photos of yourself that you’ve ever seen. Contact me for more info!

This one’s my fave!

Colorado Springs senior portraits: Chelsea

[ Senior portraits in Colorado Springs ]

This is Chelsea, a self-described nature girl. She asked for distinctly “Colorado-looking” senior portraits so I thought Palmer Park would be a good location. I had this vision of her posing barefoot in her prom gown on a precipice at sunset, and holy macaroni we pulled it off and then some! Chelsea really got into it, posing like a supermodel up there — fearless! We had a fun time and I thought her pictures came out great!

This one (above) was her mom’s favorite.

Rhea’s senior portraits

[ Colorado Springs senior portrait photographer ]

While in California last month I had the great pleasure of doing senior portraits of my beautiful niece, Rhea. This is hard for me to believe, because it was only yesterday that I was driving to Memorial Hospital to do her first portraits, the day after she was born. As you can see, Rhea has turned out to be very, very beautiful. I’m proud to say that she is just as lovely on the inside as well. She is an A student; she is charming, polite and adorable in every way. She is a loving and wonderful big sister to her three siblings. She is a joy to her parents and all of us who love her. Congratulations on your impending graduation Rhea, you make us all so very proud!

The S family

This is my friend Shery and her family. Shery owns First Glimpse Ultrasound, right next door to my studio, and she’s a great neighbor! In fact she’s been so wonderful that I did this little portrait shoot for her as a gift. Doesn’t she have a gorgeous family? Between her and Don they have six kids, including twins, and they’re all just adorable. We did these portraits on a sunny but very chilly afternoon, a couple of days after Christmas. Thanks Shery for being such an awesome neighbor!




Jakob (who has lots of energy!)

McKenzie, the oldest

Supermom Shery !!!

The baby of the family, Bryson, was a little pooped by the time we got to his individual portrait! But he gamely smiled for exactly one millisecond (after we bribed him with a promise of hot chocolate!). What a cute little guy.

Making cute for the camera.