I recently did some lovely family portraits at 17 Mile House Farm in Parker, for some of my all time favorite clients. I’ve been documenting the Z family for over a decade, including a couple of weddings, some precious newborns and several family and multi generational portraits. Most recently I had the pleasure of photographing the entire Z clan at Seventeen Mile House Farm in Parker last month, all fifteen of them with number sixteen on the way — and don’t forget Lucy the dog! It was the first time in years that all of them were together at the same time, so it was the perfect opportunity to capture all of their smiling faces. It was really nice to see all of them together and make these timeless portraits.
Headshot Photography Colorado Springs :: Liz
Did you know that I do great looking headshot photography at my studio in Colorado Springs? This beautiful woman is Liz, the owner of Silver Wave Insurance Solutions. She recently decided to embrace her grey hair, and after growing out her roots she wanted some new head shots for her site and business cards, featuring that beautiful, silver-tinged mane! (Not to mention her million dollar smile ) You look awesome, Liz!
A Very Special Christmas Gift Indeed!
Whitney wanted to give her husband Zachariah an extra special Christmas present this year, so she came to my dedicated boudoir studio in Colorado Springs for some beautiful, feminine and alluring intimate portraits. Holy hotness, Batman! And can I please just say that Whitney, you couldn’t have a more perfectly formed bottom! These amazing images and more will be included in a custom designed album for Zachariah, and it will most definitely be a gift to be remembered. He’s going to love it!
Surprise Marriage Proposal at the Garden of the Gods Overlook!
I live for happy moments like these! Austin contacted me from Texas a couple of weeks before a planned trip to Colorado with his sweetie. He planned to propose and wanted the big moment captured for posterity. We did a little scheming on the sly and determined that the Garden of the Gods overlook on Mesa would be the best spot. On the big day my second photographer Joy and I posed as tourists, and when Austin and Katie arrived, we positioned ourselves a few yards behind them. I’m sure Katie thought we were the weirdest tourists ever as she could feel us lurking behind the bushes as they admired the view for what felt like an eternity. But then… suddenly Austin got down on one knee and popped the question! Of course her response was an enthusiastic YES, then she dropped to her knees to embrace him. A couple of ladies in the parking lot above us witnessed the whole thing and cheered loudly. It was a wonderful moment! Afterward we went to the Garden of the Gods to snap a few happy official portraits. Congratulations to Katie and Austin! I hope your wedding is everything you dreamed of!
Mommy and Me portraits :: Alex & Ana
Some beautiful Colorado Springs family portraits at Colorado College and Sonderman Park! It’s not every day you turn four, and Alex wanted to commemorate Ana’s recent birthday with some heirloom portraits. Ana is spunky, bright and full of personality, so this was a fun portrait session. And look at the beautiful outfits they wore! I’m so happy with how these images turned out. Alex already treasures them, and I’m certain that Ana will come to feel the same about them when she’s older.