Category archives: portraits

Boudoir Studio Portraits Colorado Springs :: Alex

boudoir studio portraits Colorado Springs

Behold the beautiful Alex, who came in for boudoir studio portraits at my feminine, light-filled space located in central Colorado Springs. These stunning intimate images are a gift for her fiancé Michael, who is in the military and currently deployed. I find that a lot of my boudoir clients are in the same situation as Alex, and I also find that portraits like these are a VERY welcome surprise for their homesick sweeties! Alex was a natural in front of the camera and we had a lot of fun taking these gorgeous, gorgeous pictures. I’m sure that Michael is going to go nuts when he sees them!

boudoir studio portraits Colorado Springs

boudoir studio portraits Colorado Springs

boudoir studio portraits Colorado Springs

boudoir studio portraits Colorado Springs

boudoir studio portraits Colorado Springs

Engagement Portraits at Palmer Park

Palmer Park engagement portraits

I did these engagement portraits in Palmer Park about a month ago. Say hello to Kayla and James, who are getting married at Hillside Gardens in just a few short months! What a cool couple! I loved that they were motivated to brave the snow because they knew it would make for some dramatic, romantic pictures, and that they stayed true to their own unique sartorial style. Kayla’s black feather ruff was an especially striking choice.

I think these portraits were well worth tromping around in the snow for!  Thanks for a fun afternoon James and Kayla, I can’t wait for the wedding!

Palmer Park engagement portraits

Palmer Park engagement portraits

A’s Boudoir Shoot in the Studio

boudoir photography in Colorado Springs

Take a gander at these smokin’ hot photos from A’s boudoir session at my studio! This busy mom of three boys spent a couple of hours being extra glamorous and sexy for the camera. I love that she kept her eyeglasses on for some of the shots — she wears them all the time, so they’re part of her personality.

I think it’s extra great when moms do a photo shoot like this. Far too often, mothers put themselves last, and they can sometimes lose touch with that inner sexy vixen. It’s healthy to let your vixen half come out to play from time to time! I have a boudoir studio dedicated to making you look fabulous. Come and see what I can do for you!

boudoir photography in Colorado Springs

boudoir photography in Colorado Springs

Senior Portraits in Cheyenne Canon :: Grace

Colorado Springs senior portraits in Cheyenne Canon

Check out these gorgeous Colorado Springs senior portraits in Cheyenne Canon! This is Grace, and we took these in October (I know, I know, it took me a while to share them). North Cheyenne Canon Park is one of my favorite spots for portraits, especially in October. Fall is my favorite time of year! Grace was a natural in front of the camera, and as you can see, she’s quite photogenic. It was a real pleasure photographing her senior portraits!

Colorado Springs senior portraits in Cheyenne Canon

Colorado Springs senior portraits in Cheyenne Canon

Colorado Springs senior portraits in Cheyenne Canon

Colorado Springs senior portraits