Category archives: family portraits

2013 Year-End favorites

Grant-Humphreys Mansion wedding

Just a small sampling of some of my personal favorite from the past year. I could have posted many more, but pulled the plug at 41. Many, many thanks to all my lovely clients. It’s been nothing but a pleasure to be a small part of such important moments! Happy New Year!

engagement portraits downtown Colorado Springs

wedding pictures downtown Colorado Springs

family portraits Castlewood Canyon park

baby portraits Colorado Springs

downtown Colorado Springs engagement portraits

creative portraits Colorado Springs

fashion photography Colorado

fine art portraits Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs family portraits

Peaceful Valley Ranch wedding

Colorado Springs fashion photographer

wedding photography Cliff House at Pikes Peak

Destin Florida wedding photography

wedding photography the Broadmoor Colorado Springs

family photographer Colorado Springs

fashion photographer Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs boudoir photographer

Colorado fashion photographer

Wyndham Mining Exchange wedding downtown Colorado Springs

Wedding the Cliff House at PIkes Peak Manitou Springs

Destin Florida wedding photography

beach wedding photographer Destin Florida

family photographer Colorado Springs

engagement portraits Lodo downtown Denver

family portrait photographer Colorado Springs

wedding photography Craftwood Inn

Colorado Springs wedding photography

Colorado Springs wedding photographer

wedding Grant-Humphreys Mansion

Colorado Springs and Denver fashion photographer

family portrait photographer Colorado Springs

Colorado fashion photographer

Colorado fashion photographer

Colorado Springs wedding photographer

wedding photography Grant-Humphreys Mansion

family portraits Colorado Springs

wedding Colorado Springs downtown Mining Exchange Wyndham

wedding photography Peaceful Valley Ranch

wedding photography Monument Colorado

Peaceful Valley Ranch wedding photography

Family portraits in Colorado Springs: the B family

What a cute family! I photographed Nat and Renée’s wedding almost five years ago, and since then they’ve added two adorable little ankle-biters and a handful of chickens to their household. If they look slightly familiar, it’s because they are currently being featured in an HGTV ad that’s in heavy rotation.  They’re famous! We had so much fun taking family portraits in Monument Valley park and at their beautiful Victorian home downtown.  Nat and Renee make the cutest kids, yes they do!